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Revolutionize your project management with Leantime’s Strategy Module, an all-in-one tool for creating and integrating strategic maps, goals, and projects with ease!”
From: $49.00 / year
Our priority support plans give you peace of mind that your open source version of Leantime will run smoothly.
$999.00 / year
Our priority support plans give you peace of mind that your hosted version of Leantime will run smoothly.
$480.00 / year
Our priority support plans give you peace of mind that your open source version of Leantime will run smoothly.
$1,998.00 / year
Embrace the power of simplicity and organization with Leantime’s latest innovation – the Notes Plugin. Inspired by the user-friendly and versatile features of Google Keep, this plugin is designed to enhance your note-taking and idea management within the Leantime ecosystem.
From: $39.00 / year
The easiest open source installation you’ll ever do… because we do it for you.
Save even more time by including company branding into your open source installation.
The easiest open source installation you’ll ever do… because we do it for you.
Get the open source version of Leantime installed for you.
Introducing Leantime Pomodoro Widget: Track time the Pomodoro way and get more done
From: $29.00 / year