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Clarify workflows, understand your process, and set up Leantime to scale with your work.
Enterprise-Grade Authentication, Open Source Simplicity with SAML support, 15 pre-configured providers and new personal access tokens for individual users.
From: $49.00 / year
The custom fields plugin allows you to extend any task with custom fields. Choose between text, select, checkboxes and other field types and set conditional types.
From: $39.00 / year
Project management group coaching is your project management support group. Spend time both learning, sharing, and discussing PM concepts and grow your knowledge and skill sets.
$59.00 / month
All the benefits of open source without the hassle of managing a server
$49.00 / month
All the benefits of open source without the hassle of managing a server
$199.00 / month
All the benefits of open source without the hassle of managing a server.
$499.00 / month